Hierarchy Name FUNCT
            Subsystem Name DOMESTIC HOT WATER
                  Asset Name EXPANSION TANK
                        Component Name BLADDER
                        Acronym BLAD
                        ADS Code FUNCT09C-EXPT.BLAD
                        Definition In a domestic hot water supply system, the bladder in an expansion tank is a flexible membrane that separates the air chamber from the water chamber, allowing for the absorption of excess water pressure due to thermal expansion.
                        FLOW Enabled True


Operation Type Type of Change Old Value New Value Update Recorded (EST)
Edit Definition In a domestic hot water supply system, the bladder in an expansion tank is a flexible membrane that separates the air chamber from the water chamber, allowing for the absorption of excess water pressure due to thermal expansion. 12/20/2024 3:46:57 PM
Edit FLOW Enabled False True 9/19/2024 9:56:16 AM
Create ADS CODE FUNCT09C-EXPT.BLAD 5/3/2024 3:19:00 PM
Create ASSET NAME BLADDER 5/3/2024 3:19:00 PM
Create ACRONYM BLAD 5/3/2024 3:19:00 PM
Create TYPE Component 5/3/2024 3:19:00 PM
Create PARENT (ASSET) EXPANSION TANK 5/3/2024 3:19:00 PM
Create FLOW Enabled False 5/3/2024 3:19:00 PM