Hierarchy Name FUNCT
      System Name HEALTH & SAFETY
            Subsystem Name LIFE SAFETY DEVICES
                  Asset Name STRETCHER
                        Component Name WALL MOUNT
                        Acronym WMNT
                        ADS Code FUNCT04A-SCHR.WMNT
                        Definition A wall mount for a stretcher in a health and safety system is a secure fixture designed to store and quickly release a stretcher for emergency use, ensuring accessibility and readiness in life safety situations.
                        FLOW Enabled False


Operation Type Type of Change Old Value New Value Update Recorded (EST)
Edit Definition A wall mount for a stretcher in a health and safety system is a secure fixture designed to store and quickly release a stretcher for emergency use, ensuring accessibility and readiness in life safety situations. 12/20/2024 3:46:57 PM
Create ADS CODE FUNCT04A-SCHR.WMNT 5/7/2024 12:59:18 PM
Create ASSET NAME WALL MOUNT 5/7/2024 12:59:18 PM
Create ACRONYM WMNT 5/7/2024 12:59:18 PM
Create TYPE Component 5/7/2024 12:59:18 PM
Create PARENT (ASSET) STRETCHER 5/7/2024 12:59:18 PM
Create FLOW Enabled False 5/7/2024 12:59:18 PM