Hierarchy Name FUNCT
      System Name HEALTH & SAFETY
            Subsystem Name WORKPLACE SAFETY
                  Asset Name TRIPOD
                        Component Name WINCH
                        Acronym WICH
                        ADS Code FUNCT04B-TRPD.WICH
                        Definition A winch as part of a tripod in workplace safety is a mechanical device used to safely lift and lower personnel or equipment in confined spaces, enhancing safety during rescue and retrieval operations.
                        FLOW Enabled False


Operation Type Type of Change Old Value New Value Update Recorded (EST)
Edit Definition A winch as part of a tripod in workplace safety is a mechanical device used to safely lift and lower personnel or equipment in confined spaces, enhancing safety during rescue and retrieval operations. 12/20/2024 3:46:57 PM
Create ADS CODE FUNCT04B-TRPD.WICH 5/7/2024 1:14:03 PM
Create ASSET NAME WINCH 5/7/2024 1:14:03 PM
Create ACRONYM WICH 5/7/2024 1:14:03 PM
Create TYPE Component 5/7/2024 1:14:03 PM
Create PARENT (ASSET) TRIPOD 5/7/2024 1:14:03 PM
Create FLOW Enabled False 5/7/2024 1:14:03 PM