Hierarchy Name | FUNCT |
System Name | CONVEYANCE |
Subsystem Name | PERSON TRANSPORT |
Asset Name | ELEVATOR |
Component Name | PANELS/FLOORING |
Acronym | PLFL |
Definition | PANELS/FLOORING in an elevator refer to the materials and finishes used for the surfaces on which passengers stand and the surrounding interior surfaces, providing both functional support and aesthetic appeal in a vertical conveyance system. |
FLOW Enabled | True |
Operation Type | Type of Change | Old Value | New Value | Update Recorded (EST) |
Edit | Definition | PANELS/FLOORING in an elevator refer to the materials and finishes used for the surfaces on which passengers stand and the surrounding interior surfaces, providing both functional support and aesthetic appeal in a vertical conveyance system. | 12/20/2024 3:46:57 PM | |
Edit | FLOW Enabled | False | True | 9/19/2024 9:54:04 AM |
Edit | ADS CODE | FUNCT02A-IEVTC.CGLS | FUNCT02A-ELEV.PLFL | 6/11/2024 3:03:26 PM |
Edit | ASSET NAME | CAR GLASS | PANELS/FLOORING | 6/11/2024 3:03:26 PM |
Edit | ACRONYM | CGLS | PLFL | 6/11/2024 3:03:26 PM |
Create | ADS CODE | FUNCT02A-IEVTC.CGLS | 12/1/2021 8:00:01 PM | |
Create | ASSET NAME | CAR GLASS | 12/1/2021 8:00:01 PM | |
Create | ACRONYM | CGLS | 12/1/2021 8:00:01 PM | |
Create | TYPE | Component | 12/1/2021 8:00:01 PM | |
Create | PARENT (ASSET) | INTERIOR ELEVATOR CAR | 12/1/2021 8:00:01 PM | |
Create | FLOW Enabled | False | 12/1/2021 8:00:01 PM |