Hierarchy Name FUNCT
      System Name ELECTRICAL POWER
            Subsystem Name SOURCE
                  Asset Name DISCONNECT SWITCH
                        Component Name FUSE
                        Acronym FUSE
                        ADS Code FUNCT50A-DSCS.FUSE
                        Definition In an electrical power system, a fuse within a disconnect switch serves as a protective device that interrupts excessive current by melting its internal element, thereby safeguarding the circuit and source from damage.
                        FLOW Enabled True


Operation Type Type of Change Old Value New Value Update Recorded (EST)
Edit Definition In an electrical power system, a fuse within a disconnect switch serves as a protective device that interrupts excessive current by melting its internal element, thereby safeguarding the circuit and source from damage. 12/20/2024 3:46:57 PM
Edit FLOW Enabled False True 9/19/2024 9:58:28 AM
Create ADS CODE FUNCT50A-DSCS.FUSE 11/29/2023 2:20:17 PM
Create ASSET NAME FUSE 11/29/2023 2:20:17 PM
Create ACRONYM FUSE 11/29/2023 2:20:17 PM
Create TYPE Component 11/29/2023 2:20:17 PM
Create PARENT (ASSET) DISCONNECT SWITCH 11/29/2023 2:20:17 PM
Create FLOW Enabled False 11/29/2023 2:20:17 PM