Hierarchy Name FUNCT
            Subsystem Name BACK OF HOUSE
                  Asset Name RESTROOM SPACE
                        Component Name DOOR
                        Acronym DOOR
                        ADS Code FUNCT07B-RRMS.DOOR
                        Definition In the context of a functional spaces system, the DOOR within the RESTROOM SPACE in the BACK OF HOUSE serves as a critical access point that ensures privacy, security, and efficient flow between operational areas and restroom facilities.
                        FLOW Enabled True


Operation Type Type of Change Old Value New Value Update Recorded (EST)
Edit Definition In the context of a functional spaces system, the DOOR within the RESTROOM SPACE in the BACK OF HOUSE serves as a critical access point that ensures privacy, security, and efficient flow between operational areas and restroom facilities. 12/20/2024 3:46:57 PM
Edit FLOW Enabled False True 9/19/2024 9:55:43 AM
Create ADS CODE FUNCT07B-RRMS.DOOR 5/3/2024 11:36:58 AM
Create ASSET NAME DOOR 5/3/2024 11:36:58 AM
Create ACRONYM DOOR 5/3/2024 11:36:58 AM
Create TYPE Component 5/3/2024 11:36:58 AM
Create PARENT (ASSET) RESTROOM SPACE 5/3/2024 11:36:58 AM
Create FLOW Enabled False 5/3/2024 11:36:58 AM